Friday, October 15, 2010

The Best Part About a Sporting Event

Most sporting events in America begin with the athletes lining up on the field or court of play, the fans standing and looking in a particular direction, hats coming off, hands placed on top of hearts (or not), and our national anthem played or sung; it's a moment of personal, quiet reflection.

For some reason that I've never been able to understand, many of the athletes, and some fans, keep their hands to their sides. A logical reason might be that the individual is not a citizen of this country, while some illogical reasons might be that even though they are a citizen they hate this country, or maybe the act of putting their hand over their heart isn't "cool" and they are "cool," or maybe it makes their arm tired and they need to save their strength for the sporting event. But whatever the reason, I wonder during those few moments, what is being reflected in the mind of the "hands-to-the-side-person" versus the individual whose palm is placed against their chest such that they can feel their own heart beat?

I don't know the answer to this question, and I probably never will, and personally, it probably doesn't matter. What really matters is that everytime I go to a sporting event (on time) and get the opportunity to put my palm against my chest, I DO feel the beat of my heart. This beat reminds me that I am blessed to be alive, and that so long as my heart continues to beat, I have the opportunity to study, understand, experience, and live for freedom. It also reminds me that I need to be wise and to take the best care that I can for my heart, so that the health decisions I make will not cause it to stop beating prematurely.

And as I thus reflect, the reality is once again reinforced, that while the clash of opposing athletes may hold captivating entertainment value, the real value of the event was only realized in those few short minutes with my hand on my heart.

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