Sunday, November 14, 2010

The 6 Most Important Words in America

My personal nomination for the six most important words in America would be: form, establish, insure, provide, promote, and secure.

All six words are action words, and they collectively define the specific objectives for which our Constitution was created. An evaluation of how well we're meeting these objectives is worthy of a brief moment of reflection:

1. FORM - "to form a more perfect Union" - How united are we?

2. ESTABLISH - to "establish justice" - Is our judicial system providing equitable justice for all, both rich and poor?

3. INSURE - to "insure domestic Tranquility" - Are our laws reasonable, manageable, and equitably enforceable?

4. PROVIDE - to "provide for the common defence" - Are we defending more than our sovereign nation? Has our defense become too offensive?

5. PROMOTE - to "promote the general Welfare" - Are we providing instead of promoting the general welfare? If the original objective was to provide, should it not have been written, to "provide for the common defence AND the general Welfare"?

6. SECURE - to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" - Are we unitedly pursuing the discovery and application of truth so that we can maximize our freedom today and tomorrow?

The Constitution may not be perfect, but it certainly has proven to be the greatest political document written throughout the entire history of the world. It was created to allow for amendments so that as greater truth was discovered, the original objectives could be more successfully achieved.

Of the 27 amendments, which one's have championed the original six objectives? What amendments could be added that would better focus our attention on meeting the original six objectives? What changes can we make individually and collectively that would allow us to receive greater benefits from the Constitution as it was originally written?

Form... Establish... Insure... Provide... Promote... Secure...